On Wednesday, social media users were outraged when a video of a Ghanaian lady being given lashes for fornicating surfaced online. Exchanging words with her abusers in Twi, the lady who was in tears and pain was heard asking the men to exercise patience while she accepts her punishment.
Many have condemned the act, with some wondering why the abuse was being meted out to her by people speaking a local language in Ghana instead of authorities or foreigners in Saudi Arabia. Previously, women who were caught prostituting or fornicating could be flogged. Punishment for these crimes has now been limited to jail time or fines. Foreign nationals who are caught can also be deported after punishment.
The Ghanaian lady who was seen being flogged in the trending video for allegedly fornicating in Saudi Arabia, says it was because the act was with a foreigner. Speaking during a phone call with musician A-plus on Facebook, the lady identified as Diamond said she was being punished by other Ghanaians in Saudi Arabia since women have been forbidden from dating foreigners. She told A-plus, she is currently at a deportation camp with 16 other women.
According to her, without the legal documents to stay in the country, women who end up in Saudi Arabia are abused constantly; most often by people from their nationality.